Monday, November 14, 2005

World traveled Japanese

Do you want see Brad Pitt, living with African Tribes, crying hard to say Good Bye, Brittney Spears with no make up, catching fish with frozen eyelashes in Antarctica, Will Smith, spending time with the most ancient Chinese family, trying to speak their language in the deepest mysterious mountain?

That is the kind of entertainment you can see here. You can see the most amazing human habitat; you will never going to see yourself in your whole life.
You will realize that you don’t have to have ATM machines, Microwaves, TV, DVD players, and Internet to lead a satisfying life. And the things you have seen so far is nothing compare to some of the amazing site you will see in this TV show.

It is called, "Ururun Taizaiki" (Diary of remarkable exploration).

This TV show is loved by many generations of Japanese for years.
It is exceptionally educational and very “Human”.

With busy daily life of paying bills, looking for bargains to buy more materialistic things, which eventually become garbage, shortening your life span by yelling at traffic, playing tactful social games at work, trying to balance lies and truth, last thing you want to see is another, ”fake things” on TV: fake image, fake body parts, fake statements, fake emotions, etc…

Sometimes the truth may not be prettiest in the dictionary of artificial world, but they exist since the biginning of time through co-evolution with nature.

It is amazing to see TV personals, like actors and musicians who are adored as almost artificial figures with perfect make-up and perfectly coordinated outfits,
Revealing such an inner character through frustrations, despair and exhilarating pleasure with lots of teas and laughter.

The truth is what everybody really wants to see; All humans foundamentally seeks genuine human emotions.
